New Toy Soldiers - Made in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Napoleonic Wars

305 - Military Band, Prussian Landwehr Infantry,1813
305 - Military Band, Prussian Landwehr Infantry,1813 (RETIRED)
304 - Prussian Landwehr Infantry,1813
304 - Prussian Landwehr Infantry,1813 (RETIRED)
297 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 Drummer and 2 Chapeaux Chinois
297 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 Drummer and 2 Chapeaux Chinois
296 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 Drummer and 2 Cymbalists
296 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 Drummer and 2 Cymbalists
295 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 Trumpeters Line
295 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 Trumpeters Line
294-295-296-297 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15
294-295-296-297 - Band of Napoleonic Mamluks of the Imperial Guard, 1805-15 (RETIRED)