New Toy Soldiers - Made in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Imperial Durbar
What was the Delhi Durbar 1903 / Jun 28th, 2017 9:10 pm     A+ | a-
The Imperial Durbar
...'On the first day of January 1903, with a wealth of ceremonial and with a spectacular gorgeousness, unapproached by any previous display, His Imperial Majesty, King Edward the VII, was proclaimed Emperor of India. Princes and mighty Chiefs had assembled to do him honor and to yield obeisance to him in the person of His Viceroy.
On the plain outside the City was built an Amphitheatre extensive enough to accommodate the immense concourse os spectators drawn from the whole world. Its shape was that of a gigantic horse-shoe. A Daïs surmounted by a cupola projected from its center and on the Daïs were the throne chairs for His Excellency the Viceroy and His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught.
By 12 o’clock, the vast Amphitheatre and its numerous tiers of seats was nearly filled, and the Mutiny Veterans marched into the Arena preceded by a band. These old warriors, to whom the very ground they were treading was full of terrible and glorious memories, were greeted on every hand by loud and spontaneous cheering.
Then in all the brilliance of oriental splendour came the Ruling Chiefs and Princes of India, each in his Coach or Carriage resplendent with silver and gold and escorted by Lancers and numerous attendants.
Outside the Amphitheatre stretching away almost to the horizon, battery after battery and regiment after regiment of India’s gallant army were drawn up; 40.000 men of all arms. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught drove up with an escort of the 9th Lancers and the 15th Bengal Lancers. He was received by a Royal Salute. Thirty one guns were fired and the National Anthem was played by the bands gathered in the Arena.
A few minutes later, His Excellency the Viceroy drove up escorted by a British Cavalry Regiment, the Imperial Cadet Corps and a Native Cavalry Regiment, in addition to His Excellency’s Body guard. He was received with Royal honours. The Guns fired a Royal Salute. The National Anthem was played and Viceregal Standard was hoisted.
The Herald, Major Maxwell with the trumpeters rode up to the Daïs with flourishes of trumpets and at the Command of the Viceroy, he read the Imperial Proclamation. One undred and one guns were fired and the Royal Standard was hoisted, the massed bands playing the National Anthem.
His Excellency the Viceroy then read the King-Emperor’s Message and addressed the assemblage.'...

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