III - Central India States
1 - Gwalior
48 Horsemen of body guard and escort
Beau Geste set 249, Gwalior horsemen in uniforms from Shiraji's times, with parasols
Beau Geste set 328, Gwalior Horsemen
2 Led horses
37 Heralds, orderlies and spearmen
15 Elephants with attendants
Check that, in this picture and the next one, you can see the horsemen with umbrellas at the back. This means that the order on the program was not the right one in some cases.
Beau Geste set 274, the Gwalior State Elephant, and one of the guards groups, BG set 318
Beau Geste set 317, Gwalior guards
Beau Geste set 319, Gwalior music band
I don't have pictures of the led horses nor the heralds. If anyone has something it'll be appreciated
Gwalior was one of teh states with more elephants. This meant that it was one of the wealthiest and more important states.
Next, Indore. Stay tuned.