New Toy Soldiers - Made in Buenos Aires, Argentina
What was the Delhi Durbar 1903 / Mar 15th, 2021 11:44 am     A+ | a-
Hello everyone,

I fully apologize for this absence. I have been so busy with the painting, sculpting and a couple of special projects that are taking me a lot of time. Sorry again.

I don't have any more newspaper articles to post. The remaining ones are repetitions of articles and images posted by other newspapers so there's no point on showing the same.

I should have announced my decision about the new elephant since I have been working on it for several weeks now. It will be the State Elephant of Hill Tippera. It is stunningly beautiful and will make a great addition to the Delhi Durbar line.

I also wanted to show you a few images. I've been buying a few stereoviews through ebay and I took some photos of them to share with you. I had already seen them all, and I had the digital images of all of them, shared from a stereos collector very good friend. But I got the chance to buy them for myself so I went ahead. They are not expensive, they go from $6 to $8 each. You can even get a bargain for $20 for 4 stereoviews. Great.

Here they are:

Main Procession: Samthar elephant, followed by Charkkhari and Rajgharh.

Main Procession again, at the end of Chandni Chawk you can see Dewas Senior and Alwar in front.

Same spot, the Duke's elephant

The end of the Main Procession from behind, turning from Khas road.

A view from the Review

Two elephants posing. Sorry for the light in the middle of the image. The stereos are curved, so it was not easy to take photos of them.

Two details of the same stereoview. Look at the amazing detail of the decoration on the elephants' heads, the intricate detail of the ears. Exquisite. I loved this one

I'll be in touch soon with pictures of the making process of the new elephant.

Stay safe,

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